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The  Sabbath Day
(Why do we worship on Saturday?)
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Our church has been in existence since 1918. We are Hebrew Pentecostal, teaching the
relevance of the Old and New Testament principles pertaining to proper religious practice
and current day worship.

The 7th day, 'Saturday,' is the true Sabbath of the Lord God, beginning on Friday at
the going down of the sun and ending on Saturday at the going down of the sun. We also
observe the Holy Festivals described by the scriptures and the doctrine of Jesus Christ.

It was the custom of Jesus Christ (the Way, the Truth, the Light) to go each Sabbath to
the synagogue (Luke 4:16) to read out of the law and prophets and preach unto them.
It was also the custom of the apostles, the immediate followers of Jesus, to go into the
synagogue each sabbath (Acts 17:2). Therefore, we strictly observe the Sabbath as
a day of rest and worship.

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  1. Romans 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death........ BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
  2. 1 Peter 5:7
    Cast all your cares on GOD, He cares for you
  3. Isaiah 61:1
    ...The LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted... to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners
Aug 14 - 17​​​​​



God is so wonderful to us all. We depend on him for everything. Do you have
a testimony that you just can't wait to share. Please do so here and
we will help you share it with the world. ​
God is GREAT... and greatly to be praised!!!
Our God is SO awesome and amazing!!  This has been a glorious year for me.  There've been some downs, but God has lifted me up and kept me encouraged.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1987.  I had a lumpectomy and received radiation and drug therapy.  I was shocked to learn it had returned this year.  Doctors told me I would have to have a mastectomy.
Through it all, God has shown his miraculous love for me.  I told God I didn't have time to be sick.  I love working with children and I didn't want to lose time with them. 
God is so GREAT.  He answered my prayers.  I had a mastectomy on a Tuesday.  I went home on that Thursday.  That Sabbath I was back at church playing the keyboard to provide music for service.  I also discovered that Sabbath that my knees and ankle did not hurt.  I used a cane for about 6 months prior to surgery.
I had a very difficult time using stairs or walking for any distance - like in the large Wal-Marts.  Well, since surgery, I've walked up stairs at school several times a day.  I've shopped at Wal-mart without the use of their wheel chairs.
I had 3 months of chemotherapy.  I was only slightly weak the day after treatment.  I never got sick, I just lost my hair.  But I was able to continue working with children at church and school the entire time.